cff FALL ASLEEP QUICKLY | Simple and Serene Living


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

 I don't know about you, but if I don't get a good night's sleep I am cranky as an old bear the next day. 

get good sleep

Your mama may have told you that being tired from lack of sleep is just a normal part of aging, but although sleep patterns may change as we grow older, being tired from disturbed sleep is not normal. 

Sleeping well is a very important part of our physical and emotional well being. 

Sleep helps to repair cell damage and aids in our memory function. 

In other words we just feel and function better when we get a good night's sleep.

messy bed

If insomnia is a chronic problem or lasts for more than a few days it is important to talk to your doctor about it. 

However, I have found something that not only works for my occasional insomnia, but is natural as well. 

A doctor told me to drink 4 ounces of tart cherry juice an hour before going to bed.

tart cherry juice benefits

Turns out tart cherry juice is naturally melatonin rich. 

As an added benefit, tart cherry juice contains many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. 

You can read all about its benefits here.

I'll toast to that. 

So bottoms up and pucker up. 

There is nothing more serene than a good nights sleep.


  1. How interesting! I read for an hour or so before going to bed at the same time every night. (between 10:30 and 11) and I usually fall right to sleep. And yes, a good night's sleep makes you feel SO much better! Enjoy your day! (nice sheets help too! like ours!)

  2. Sleep has always been a problem for me. I am a night owl and don't fall asleep until well after 1am. However as I get older, I feel I need more sleep and that is going to take some practice.

  3. I need all the sleep help I can get. I've read about tart cherry juice - do you find it works? Maybe I'll give it a try.


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