cff HOW TO CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT | Simple and Serene Living


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Do you ever feel bored or stuck in your life?

woman in flower field

I have been feeling that way lately so I decided to pull out my counselor hat, dust it off, and give myself some advice.

Hey, if I am taking the time to help myself I might as well share what I know. 

live the life you want

Let's look at some of the things we can do to create a life that we want instead of just living a life that is unsatisfying.

Open Your Mind

Opening your mind to new possibilities can be frightening at times because it often means getting out of your comfort zone, but it can also lead to a life you are dreaming of.

think big

  1. Confront your beliefs about what you think you can and can't do. It is just possible that you can do things you never thought were possible.
  2.  Put your ideas down on paper. Start a journal or a vision board.
  3. Stop thinking about the things you don't want and start thinking about the things you do want.
  4. Make a commitment to something you want and then take that first step towards it. The first step can often be the hardest so think how you will feel when you take that step,
  5. Positive thoughts create positive outcomes so clear your mind of negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. 

Find Supportive People

It is important to surround yourself with supportive people. I call it having your own group of cheerleaders.

supportive people

And if you can only find one good friend who wants you to have the life you love then you can just call them your own personal cheerleader.

Some ways to find those people.
  1. Compliment a stranger. This can be a hard thing to do, but everyone likes to be appreciated and it could be a good conversation starter.
  2. Help another person. This is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and might just help you to learn something new.
  3. Get out by yourself and do something you enjoy. Being by yourself makes you appear more accessible to other people who enjoy the same activities. 
  4. Talk to your family and friends about your dreams. You may find that they are more supportive than you imagined.
We are never too old to create a new life. 

Harlan Sanders created the Kentucky Fried Chicken chain at age 62.

Grandma Moses started painting in her 70s.

Life doesn't have to be static. 

We don't have to be satisfied with boring. 

A few years ago when I was going through a particularly bad period in my life a friend introduced me to the idea of manifesting and sent me a book by Wayne Dyer. 

Wayne Dyer Wishes Fulfilled

I am going to be honest with you. At first, I thought this was just a bunch of hooey fooey, but I read the book and practiced what I learned and my life did get better.

However, I let things slide over the years and yesterday I knew I needed to pull that book off of my bookshelf and read it again. 

So I am going to open my mind to new possibilities, surround myself with supportive people, and practice telling myself that I am living the life I want.

I hope you will practice these things too because there is nothing I would love more than to see you create the life you want. 

how to create the life you want

Read more Healthy Habits 

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  1. I like Dr. Dwyer and it is a good book. I agree with you that you have to surround yourself with positive and supportive people in your life. That makes a world of difference. Great post Laura. Happy Wednesday.

  2. That is a good book, Laura. Like you- I used to think that was a bunch of 'craziness' but I do believe in surrounding myself with positive and wonderful people. Great post. xo Diana

  3. I completely agree we need to be surrounded by positive and supportive people.

    Negativity can be so damaging. I try and talk to myself.

  4. These are all such great tips, Laura! I've never read that book before so I'm definitely going to look into it. Thank you for the recommendation. Any step forward where you take action no matter how big or small is a step in the right direction. As an introvert, I can get lost in my own thoughts or headspace a lot. Love these ideas! Hugs, CoCo

  5. I may have to look into that book. It's true - it's never too late to make changes. I met a man recently who told me he learned to play golf at 80!

  6. My kids are very into manifesting, and have been for years, it's a huge topic on TikTok and social media. I was reluctant at first, but they've been teaching me. Maybe I should get us all a copy of that book!


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