cff 6 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES | Simple and Serene Living


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

I am spending the week at home working on the digital art prints in my Etsy shop.

inspirational quote etsy printable

As my brain is taken up with resizing thumbnails, updating, and adding new sizes I decided this might be a good time to look back at some of the inspirational quotes I have shared over the past year.

1) For those of you who are tired of winter.

spring is coming quote

2) The love we share.

sharing our love quote

3) On being Positive.


4) Learn from others' mistakes.

learn from the mistakes of others

5) What is really important in life.

Family and love are most important

6) Find the courage to pursue your dreams.

find the courage to pursue your dreams

Enjoy your day.

6 inspirational quotes


  1. I love beautiful quotes like these! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Diane

  2. Love all of these quotes Laura. Beautiful. Happy Wednesday. xoxo

  3. I'm always lifted up by meaningful quotes. Thanks for sharing these!

  4. The quotes and accompanying art look wonderful, Laura!

  5. I love quotes. They make their points memorably and succinctly.


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