cff IT'S THE HOLIDAYS | Simple and Serene Living


Friday, December 3, 2021

Simple Pleasures #18

Last spring I decided to buy a microwave. I hadn't owned one, by choice, for five years, but I decided I really wanted the convenience again. 

I am so happy I did because I use it on a daily basis. I want my microwave to last a long time and I want it to be clean and clean smelling.


I have found that one of the best ways to accomplish that is cleaning with lemons. It gets the microwave nice and shiny and smells great too. 

I am now going to tackle the rest of my apartment. I have asked for an elf on the shelf cleaning fairy that comes into my apartment at night and cleans it all up, but I can't seem to find one.

Simple Inspiration

kindness is like snow quote

Lovely Reads

Some great holiday-themed reads this week.

Kim shares how to make clay gingerbread men ornaments for your tree.

Kris shares her beautiful Christmas twinkle wreath.

Janet shows us an alternative Christmas tree idea for small spaces.

DIY pinecone gnome ornaments from Simple Nature Decor.

Favorite Gluten-Free Recipe This Week

I can't remember exactly when I tasted my first bite of carrot cake, but what I can tell you is I fell in love. 

When I came across this gluten-free version I of course was hooked.

gluten-free carrot cake

This is not an overly sweet recipe, so the cream cheese frosting adds just the right amount of sweetness.

Catching Up

Posts from the past week.

Shopping Favorites This Week

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What I'm Watching This Month

I entered my teen years at the same time as the Beatles became popular, so I am looking forward to watching Let It Be on Disney+ this month. 

Thanks for visiting today.

Read more Simple Pleasures posts here.

It's the holidays

Until we meet again join me on PinterestInstagramLTK, and Etsy.

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  1. Glad to see the vaccine protectors on your shopping faves! Mine arrived yesterday. I, too, can't wait for the Beatles special. If you are successful in finding that cleaning fairy, let me know. I want one, too - but I also require that they prepare dinners :)

  2. I loved the beatles too and look forward to watching that on Disney. Ha ha if that little fairy is found send her to Illinois after you are done with her! Have a great Friday. xoxo

  3. I have tge bells hanging on our mantel.

    Truth, I'm not a Beatles fan


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