Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Laughing not only feels good, it is also fast, free, and can be taken anywhere.

smiling dog

Don't you love it when animals smile? My daughter has ducks, and I swear that after tormenting the chickens, until the chickens get furious, they start laughing.

A Funny Thing I Did This Week

I drive my daughter Katy to her medical appointments and she sits in the backseat so that she is not right next to me. (Yes, we both have on masks) Anyway, the backdoor is set to children so that it can't be opened unless I unlock all of the doors. 

This has been a bit annoying so I took my screwdriver and turned the thing to change it, thinking what a good mom I am. I then stupidly shut the door with me in the backseat. I was trapped. If it was a weekday I would have called maintenance to come to open the door from the outside, but it was the weekend. 

Yikes. I had to get into the front seat. Easy peasy you would think, but I have two replaced knees that don't bend 100%. I kneeled on the center console and landed sideways in the passenger seat. Good, except for the fact that one foot was on the front floor and the other lower leg was trapped behind the seat. I looked like a pretzel. 

It was either burst into tears, call 911, or start laughing. I chose to laugh, possibly hysterically. After I stopped laughing I was able to hoist myself up, get my right leg onto the driver's seat and then free my other leg. 

Why Laughter Is Good FOr You

Laughing not only feels good, it is also fast, free, and can be taken anywhere.

  • Laughter releases endorphins. Endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals help increase the body's natural pain-killing response.  I think this is why my pretzel body didn't have any aches or pains the next day.
  • Feeling stressed? Laughter can help with that, by putting things on a more positive note and relaxing you.
  • Stress is bad for your immune system, but by relieving stress, laughter helps to boost your immune system and activates infection-fighting cells.
  • When you laugh you breathe more deeply, which increases oxygen to your body, and allows your organs to work more efficiently.
happy face

    How To Add More Laughter To Your Life

    • Start your day with laughter. Buy a funny year-in-a-box calendar with a joke a day or set your phone to notify you of a new joke each morning. 
    • Set the intention of laughing more. If you find yourself not laughing enough tell yourself that you need to laugh more, and then do it. 
    • Watch comedies on TV. 
    • Find a friend who makes you laugh, That type of friend is priceless. 
    • Find something that makes you smile more every day. I really need this mug just so I can watch my family roll their eyes at me. 
    funny coffee mug

     On Amazon

    Laughter truly is the best medicine. Carry it around in your pocket and pull it out multiple times a day. Your world will feel lighter and you will feel better. 

    Laughter is the best medicine

    Until we meet again join me on PinterestInstagramLTK, and Etsy.

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    1. I always laugh at my own jokes. Laughing is something I've always done...oh and smiling! I know I look goofy but I smile a lot! One time a guy on a bike stopped to tell me that he looked forward to seeing me give him a smile when he met me on his bike. A compliment like that goes a long way and keeps me smiling! Enjoy your day. Don't play in the car! hahaha!

    2. I certainly agree! Laughter releases so much we have pent up inside. I'm laughing at my cats today.

    3. Laughter is the best. At a training last week the presenter was telling us that even fake laughing can be good for you. Not sure about that one!

    4. My grandson recently asked my husband what attracted him to me that we ended up meeting and getting married. My husband said "she was always smiling, she seemed so happy, laughing with people." I was stunned and amazed. I accepted his memory, but also said I was sad during those times too (divorced, single mom, trying to 'do it all'). Was trying to be honest with my grandson. My husband and I have now been married 32+ years and yes, I've had sad times but mostly I do find something to smile and laugh about. I even won the Sunshine Award at church, so I guess I do convey that laughter is powerful.

    5. I think we all need a sense of humor in this crazy world we live. I love to laugh and tell and hear jokes. That mug so cute. LOL I would have probably done the same landing you did if I had to go from the backseat to my front seat!!! I do not think Cirque du Soleil is going to be contacting either one of us anytime soon lol!!! Have a great week. xoxo Kris

    6. Laughter has gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life. Great post, Laura.

    7. I'm sorry but I was laughing at your story.

      I have been there. Have you ever been laughing and you can stop?

    8. Oh my gosh, glad you were able to get yourself out! That would be a great comedy show - seeing how people get themselves from the back seat to the front, haha! I'm picturing my 6'4" son who is all legs - I'm in hysterics just thinking about that. YES -laughter is SO important. I have a 97-year-old aunt who's lived through a lot of personal tragedy, and she always says that laughing is the only way to get through life!

    9. Oh my goodness, I had a good chuckle imagining you stuck in the car, Laura :D But you're right, laughter is the best medicine.

    10. Laughter definitely IS the best medicine. I'm so blessed to have funny people in my life lol!

    11. Laughter is truly the best meds!

    12. I agree, I love watching TV with laughter. Its laugh. nice post.

    13. A story which I'm sure will get repeatedly told - and laughed about.

    14. What a champ you are for laughing at yourself! Great advice and tips!

    15. Beautifully written and expressed! Laughing always makes me feel better. Laughing at my mistakes is so MUCH better than stewing over it. I love your stories. They are so relatable.

    16. This is a good post. This post gives truly quality information. I’m definitely going to look into it. Really very useful tips are provided here. Thank you so much. Keep up the good works. ProspectMedical


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