cff A BLOOMING GOOD DAY | Simple and Serene Living


Friday, March 20, 2020

After five days of being cooped up in my apartment I decided I had to get outside. I was starting to feel like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window.

I have been watching the world from my window. Fortunately, no one has been murdered. There have been some cute puppies being walked though. 

Yesterday was the perfect day for it.

The sun was shining, the temperature was in the 70s, and the blooms were, well.....blooming. 

So much was blooming, and the trees had suddenly dressed up in green. The azaleas though, were the best. I am so happy that I didn't miss them. 

I love spring, and spring in the south is fabulous. It's my favorite season, even though my allergies might disagree with me. 

Yesterday this popped up on my Facebook memories from seven years ago. 

Tessa, the sweetest spring flower of all. The girl who FaceTimed me on Wednesday to play dolls with me so that I wouldn't feel so lonely. They don't come much sweeter than that. 


  1. No, they don't come much sweeter than that!

  2. Awww how sweet and thank goodness for Facetime! I would love to get out and walk Buddy but the rain and cold has been constant up here. Hopefully soon we will see sunshine again. You down south have flowers and can go outside during this crazy so that is wonderful. Enjoy that fresh air and seeing the pretty on your walks. xoxo

  3. Aww how wonderful is sweet Tessa. She misses you I'm sure. Beautiful flowers.

    We all will be okay.


  4. I can't wait til flowers and trees are blooming here in Illinois! Thanks for sharing some cheer with us.

  5. So sweet...definitely missing seeing my family. Everybody is calling each other all the that is good.


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