cff GARDEN UPDATE | Simple and Serene Living


Monday, June 17, 2019

I love having my little vegetable garden. I think any type of gardening is relaxing and good for your overall physical and mental well being. Apparently gardeners live longer.

I am learning a lot from the plot that I have this year. I don't think my spot gets a full six hours of sun each day and I think that is affecting its output. 

I am hoping that next year I can get a different spot that has more hours of sun or think about growing veggies that don't require as many hours of sun each day.

Oh look. One small eggplant.

There are five small tomatoes on my two tomato plants. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will actually get some tomatoes to eat. This past week I added some organic fertilizer so hopefully that will help.

The spaghetti squash went crazy and shot out shoots everywhere. Unfortunately the leaves got dusty mildew, which is apparently common on squash plants, so I cut off all of the affected leaves this morning. I'm hoping that will take care of the problem, but if it doesn't produce I will have to remove it from the garden.

The bell pepper plants are not producing yet. I was looking forward to peppers to add to my eggs in the morning, but that may not happen.

I have one small cucumber. Hooray, and my basil is doing really well. Have to look at the successes no matter how small. 

Well if I can keep the deer, fox, squirrels, and birds away then I may just get something to eat this summer. 


  1. Laura, Some good chicken wire fences would help keep critters out. I thought your garden looked pretty nice. It will be fun for you to grow some foods for your own table. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. I don't think they will let me put up chicken wire, but it's a good idea,

  2. It's great you're gardening. I think any kind of gardening is healthy.

    Good luck with your veggies.


  3. Your veggies look better than mine. I think we got too much rain.


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