cff DISCONTENT | Simple and Serene Living


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Apparently this March has been our snowiest March on record. 

When you add in all of the rain and gloom it doesn't make people very happy. 

It has caused me to feel very discontented. 

Spring is normally my favorite time of year. I love seeing the trees bloom and green popping out everywhere. I love the feel of sunshine and warm breezes on my face. I love shedding winter clothes and putting on sandals for the first time in months. 

This year that has not happened. Instead, every time I try to pack away my winter clothes the temps once again take a dive downwards. 

I am trying to take on the attitude of.

I am trying hard to be positive about where I am living, but to be honest it is difficult. My family is 400 miles away and I am missing out on watching my grandchildren grow up. 

It will be another three years until I can get into the apartment I have signed up for. By then my oldest grandchild will be leaving for college. 

I think I need an infusion of childhood smiles, of playing, and giggling for no reason at all. 

I think I need to plan a road trip south next month.


  1. Laura, Honey it sound as if you need some hugs from your family. Those grandkids are growing quickly. I tell you, if I sat and dwelled on how much I am missing with each one of mine, I'd be crying for sure. It is heart breaking for us at times. This crazy weather has not helped any of our moods. I am ready for porch sitting and park walking. :):) Hope you take that road trip soon. Blessings to you , xoxo, Susie

  2. Sounds like you definitely need that road trip, Laura!! That's a long time to be away from your family. Hugs, friend!!

  3. That is so disappointing, Laura. Any chance you can take a quick trip there to see them for a bit? Three years is a long time when the kids are little. How well I know that! xo Diana

  4. Hi Laura. My heart breaks for you. I hope you can make that trip down to see your grands soon. Kids grow and change so fast so I hope you can find time to visit often.

  5. Oh Laura, I hope you get to see the kids soon. I know when I go over a week without seeing mine I feel lost. They just light up my life right now. I'm so discourage by life at the moment and feel like I'm hanging on by a thread. I wish you could move sooner!!

  6. Shakespeare called it the 'winter of our discontent'. Here's hoping that Spring will finally arrive and STAY and that your heart will feel its hope and warmth real soon.


  7. Laura, I feel for you. Maybe you should get in the car or any way you can and go see family. March has been a tough month in NJ too.

    Hang in there friend


  8. I think alot of people are feeling that way with this strange weather. You must take that road trip as soon as you can! It will uplift you I'm sure. Is the apartment you are waiting for closer to your family? I live about 250 miles from my son and it's WAY too far! I don't have grandkids, but if I did, I know I would be living closer if I possibly could. You are at least lucky to have some trees blooming those gorgeous pinks. Our town doesn't have much in the way of blooming trees and I really miss that sign of spring. Hope you are feeling better......... Marilyn

  9. I think you should plan a road trip. Sounds like you need some family hugs.


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