cff 2017 | Simple and Serene Living

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


In 1982 Larry Dossey coined the term “time sickness” to define the belief that many people have about the fact that time is always slipping away, that there is never enough of it, and that we must go faster and faster to keep up.

Whew!! I'm exhausted just thinking about that. 

"The cult of speed not only affects our health, it also makes us more unhappy and less productive. But it turns out that we can slow down and also be more productive because of it. 

In order to do that, we should stop worrying so much about time and instead learn to better manage our attention focus. Making our own decisions about what we should be doing at every moment of our life puts us behind the wheel."  Francisco Sáez

I often find myself saying that time is slipping away or feeling like time is zooming by so fast that I just don't know where it is going. 

How do we help to heal ourselves from time sickness, because I know that I am a victim of it and I bet that many of you are too. 

Apparently, the secret is fairly simple. We need to learn how to live in the moment, enjoying each moment for what it is, and also to decide what our priorities are. 

I have made a decision to do just that. I have been meditating regularly to calm myself when I feel stressed, sitting and enjoying the present moment, and choosing for myself how I spend my time.

It isn't easy to break the habit of trying to do it all, but I know that for my physical and mental health it will be worth it.

How about you? Do you think that you suffer from time sickness, and if so how would you go about healing yourself?

Until we meet again join me on PinterestInstagramLTK, and Etsy.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Heart attacks are responsible for one in every three deaths for women and remains the number one cause of death in women. 

The average age of the first heart attack in women is 72.

These statistics struck home for my family this week when my 93 year old mother suffered a mild heart attack. 

She was long past the age for a first heart attack, and she had been repeatedly told by her cardiologist that she was not a candidate for one.

She is not overweight, her blood pressure is low, and her cholesterol is perfect. However, she had been having some symptoms that were written off as coming from other causes.

So what are the warning red flags for an impending heart attack in women?

1) Breathing difficulties
2) Heavy perspiration
3) Disrupted sleep
4) Exhaustion
5) Stomach cramps
6) Sharp upper body pain
7) Jaw pain
8) Rapid heart rate
9) Chest pain
10) Nausea
11) Pain in either arm

You can find more information on the warning signs here.

Monday night at midnight my mom called me to say she was feeling weird and thought she might need to go to the hospital. We got the paramedics there and she went to the emergency room. Fortunately she had an ER doctor that did a very thorough workup. 

After a long sleepless night he had her admitted and notified her cardiologist. He diagnosed her with a blocked artery and having had a mild heart attack. Luckily it can be controlled with medication. 

Because women's symptoms are different than those that men have, it is important that we as women are aware of them and advocate for ourselves when we know that something is just not right with our bodies. 

My mom seems to have dodged a major bullet, and it has made me aware that I need to continue to take care of my own heart to keep it healthy. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


I remember when I was pregnant with my two girls, in the last trimester I would get in the mood to clean and organize my home. 

We called it nesting. 

These days the cooler fall temperatures and the approach of the holiday season puts me in the mood to nest. 

My apartment is pretty small, just 540 square feet so I am limited in making changes. 

Gone are the days when I can move furniture around. There just isn't any other way that I can see to arrange the furnishings. 

I also have very limited storage space so I have to make the best use of what I have, and I am having problems fitting it all in. 

I'm afraid that one of these days I am going to open a closet door and everything is going to fall on my head. 

 Starting today I have decided to start cleaning, sorting, and organizing. It's not my favorite thing to do, but I know I will be happier when I hopefully get it done. 

My plan is to stay in until Friday and see how much I can get done. If I don't surface by then you may want to send someone in to make sure I am not buried at the bottom of a closet. (I only have two so it won't be hard to find me)

Hopefully this weekend I will be able to share that I have made some real strides. Then again I might be tempted to binge watch Stranger Things season two. 

That's the good thing about being older and living alone. If I don't get it done there is no one else to care and no one will really know. 

Oops, except the few thousand people who read my blog, but I'm sure none of you will tell. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


This past weekend was perfect weather for walking. 

When I looked at the extended forecast for this week I knew I needed to get out and take advantage of it. 

Our warm balmy days are now behind us. Yesterday was rainy and the rest of the week looks to be cool with our first frost coming up at the end of the week. 

But, as I said, Saturday and Sunday were perfect. Warm balmy breezes and sunny skies were beckoning.

It has been awhile since I spent some time taking photos, and it was so nice to just wander and click away. 

We seemed to still be caught between seasons. The sweet smell of  summer roses drew me to a garden,

while the changing colors of the trees told me that summer was really long past.

City streets were calling my name,

but so were leaf strewn wooded paths. 

I chose both.

With more than a little reluctance I said goodbye to this pretty lady with a whispered I will see you next year.

Time stands still for no one. Live each moment and enjoy it, because when it has passed it won't return to greet us, except for in our dreams.

Saturday, October 21, 2017


My fall decor is definitely minimalist.

I really don't have room for much and I didn't want to put anything away to make room. It's called laziness.

That means I have exactly three things. 

Okay, that was sort of a lie. I counted my table as one thing, but I actually made three changes to it.

I replaced the glass candlesticks with black hog scraper candle holders, added a woven table runner, and filled my two tiered wire basket with an assortment of fall items. 

The ceramic bowl that was the centerpiece over the spring and summer has moved to the kitchen.

I'll leave it the way it is until after Thanksgiving when I'll tweak it for Christmas. After Christmas I'll tweak it again and leave it for the rest of the winter.

I love this ceramic pumpkin. It blends really well with the couch and is the only fall piece I have in the living room.

Every home needs a little Halloween and this cute witch and ghost are ready to trick or treat. 

Fall is such a wonderful season. Warm days and cool nights seem to energize me, sending me out to crunch through fallen leaves before returning home to curl up in my cozy nest, where a wee bit of fall decor is just enough.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


A couple of days ago the maintenance woman came by to repair something in my apartment. She always comments when she is here on how much she loves my decor. 

As she was leaving she asked if I had ever submitted my apartment to a magazine. Wow, what a lovely compliment.

Yesterday a new friend dropped by my apartment and demanded to be let in. She said she has been hearing from a lot of people how beautiful my apartment is. (I told her I hope she wasn't put off by the mess) 

After a quick tour of my little space she laughed and asked could she just come up and shop in my home when she wanted something new. 

I said my decorating style is somewhat eclectic and she replied that her's is Fred Sanford. (It's not. I have been in her apartment and it is very cute) Our styles are different, but we are both bargain hunters. 

I am not a trendy decorator. I learned a long time ago to decorate in a style that I love. A style that speaks of my personality. A style that when I walk in the door I feel completely at home. 

And I think that is the most important thing to remember when we are dressing ourselves or our homes. 

Whatever the latest trend may be, we are the ones who have to live with it

We need to be able to sit down at the end of the day, put our feet up, and know that we are home.

That's why I am not a trendy decorator, because the bottom line is the only person I need to impress with my home is me. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


When I think of fiddle-dee-dee I am immediately transported back to the time I first heard Scarlett O'Hara say it in Gone With The Wind. 

I remember being very fascinated with Scarlett. She seemed so vulnerable on the one hand, but so independent and conniving on the other. A very complex character. 

I never really thought about the meaning of fiddle-dee-dee. I suppose I just thought it was her flippant southern way of dismissing something. As it actually means nonsense, I guess that was a pretty good interpretation. 

I don't get to see my grandchildren who live in Atlanta very often, so when I want to see their sweet faces in real time we FaceTime. Yesterday Tessa, who is now five wanted to model her new Minnie Mouse costume that had just arrived. 

I oohed and aahed over her adorableness and spoke quickly to my other two grandchildren. It has to be quick because Tessa whips the phone away so that we can commence with what is important. 

What is important is fiddle-dee-dee. It consists of silliness, playing as if we are in the same room, and Tessa holding the phone while she flips and turns all around their house making me dizzy. 

I should clarify that what may seem to be fiddle-dee-dee to other people is important stuff to us. 

Thanks to the magic of FaceTime we are for a short time together. We are able to bond. It is an important time for me and for my grandchildren. 

I think about times past when grandparents were separated from their grandchildren for long periods of time with very little communication. I wonder if it was terribly sad for them.

I know I am grateful for modern technology. It can sure brighten up a lonely day and it is definitely not fiddle-dee-dee.

Saturday, October 7, 2017


How many of you have ever felt discombobulated??  Raise your hand.

Come on. Fess up. I know you have.

Ha!! I knew it. I knew that I wasn't the only one. 

This girl knows exactly how it feels. Hair flying everywhere, while you hang your head over a fence hoping someone will come and pat you on the head and tell you what to do.

Don't you love that word?  

Discombobulated. It so perfectly describes that feeling of confusion that we all feel sometimes. 

You know, when you can't figure out which side is up and which side is down. When you feel like a wilting flower whose petals are slowly dropping off one by one.

Well I am here to tell you that I am in a crisis of discombobulation. 

Maybe crisis is a strong word, but I am definitely feeling like my head is spinning. 

I am trying to do too many things, and in the process I am not accomplishing much. 

This morning I am going to see if I can salvage my booth, because it definitely seems to have crashed and burned. 

After that I am going to have lunch with friends, and then spend some time contemplating the meaning of life figuring out how in the heck to spend my time better in order to supplement my income. 

I think I need an exorcism to drive out Mr. Discombobulation. He's beginning to really annoy me. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Yesterday was one of those mornings that I wish I hadn't had to face the day.

The first thing I saw was news of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, and I felt as if my heart had stopped. 

So many lives lost and destroyed through a senseless act, and I realized once again how precarious life can be.

What drove that man to do what he did?

Coming on the heels of three major hurricanes and the terrible suffering of millions of American citizens in Puerto Rico, it seems like too much to bear. 

I am not someone who sits and watches the news updates all day because I know that it doesn't help anyone for me to do so. 

Instead I will try to find a way to help. I don't have a lot of money and I am not able to give blood, but I will make a small donation. 

I will also make phone calls to petition my representatives in congress to please consider commonsense gun control measures. 

When will so many lost lives be enough? When will people's lives be more important than ownership of automatic weapons that were only meant to be used by the military?

I feel very sad for so many of my fellow Americans today. I am grateful that my family and I are safe, but I know that there is too much heartbreak.

Monday, September 25, 2017


I can't believe I used the O word. It almost feels like I am swearing on my blog. 

(Some days I still feel like that sassy little girl)
There are many reasons to believe that I am getting old, but when I read a comment from some twenty something year old on Facebook last week that anyone on Facebook who is over 40 is irrelevant I thought....


That means I have been irrelevant for over twenty years and didn't know it. HMMMM!!!

(other days before I look in the mirror I think I might still be that teenager)
I take exception to that. I bet when you are asking your parents or grandparents for money you don't think they are irrelevant. 

I may have more aches and pains these days, and one or two more wrinkles, but I have news for you Mr. or Ms. Millennial, I have a vast store of knowledge and experience that you won't have for a very long time. 

(if I was still one of those other two ages I wouldn't have this crazy girl)
So show a little respect. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have your own ideas. I welcome your ideas. I love hearing what you have to say. I also welcome debate, and promise that I will never disrespect you by saying you are irrelevant.

Am I getting old? I'm definitely getting older, but then we all are.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Where does the time go? Just when I vow to start posting twice a week I suddenly realize that the week went by without a second posting. 

I seem to be so busy anymore. So busy that I have had to cut my Rook playing down from two nights a week to one. 

By the time nighttime rolls around, if I don't have something scheduled, which I seem to have many nights, then I just want to get into my pj's and curl up in my cozy apartment. 

I love being able to close my door and shut out the rest of the world. 

I recently signed up for Britbox. I already subscribe to Acorn TV so between the two of them I have nonstop British TV. I don't have cable anymore so I watch everything over the internet. I also have Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Directv Now. When I want Netflix I just cancel one of the other services for a month or two. Rotating them around really saves me money.

On another topic, I made a discovery recently. Who knew we had a casino right here in my city.

I knew that the Red Mile race course had opened a venue to bet on horse races a couple of years ago, but what I didn't know is that it is actually slot machines. At the bottom of each slot machine there is a little race showing. 

Interesting. My friend and I decided to go on Saturday. We each were given ten dollars to gamble with and I took along a few of my own dollars. 

When we walked in I felt like I was in Las Vegas. We had a ball. I lost eleven dollars, but I had allotted myself twenty dollars so I didn't feel bad about it. My friend won forty two dollars so she was thrilled. 

With all of the daily bad news it is nice to have some distractions. 

Speaking of distractions. My new throw arrived and I love it. The colors are perfect. I've tossed it over this chair for now, but it will be nice and handy when the cool weather comes back. 

My yearly eye checkup is this afternoon. Doesn't seem like it has been a year, but time does go by.

Monday, September 11, 2017


Fall is definitely in the air here. Cooler temperatures and cloudy skies are urging me to start nesting, but they are also beckoning me out into the countryside. 

I'm trying to do a bit of both. 

The last few days I have been looking for a throw for my living room. Something that will pull together the colors of the room, and that will also keep me warm when the days and nights get colder. 

This morning I finally found something on that I think will work. I've ordered it and it should be here on Friday. 

I love the free shipping both ways if I decide I don't like it. I'm always a little afraid to order something like this online because I never know if the colors are how they appear on the computer. 

Can't wait for it to arrive because I have been feeling a bit chilly the last few nights while sitting in my chair. 

I do think it will pull together the red, gold, and blue in my settee. I'll let you know after it gets here. 

I hope that everyone who has been in the path of the latest hurricane is safe. We have rain from Irma moving in overnight and rain is forecast here for the next three days. 

Looks like it will be perfect for some more nesting, and I may even pull out some fall decor. 

Have you started planning for the cooler weather?

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Wouldn't it be nice if we could tell all of the stress in our lives to just go away?

Unfortunately it isn't that easy, and these days stress seems like a vise that is continually squeezing the life out of us. 

The hate that has reared it's ugly head in our country. The fear that millions of people have of losing their health insurance or of being deported . The threat of nuclear war with North Korea. Misogyny, bigotry, can be overwhelming.

Stress can affect every aspect of our lives. It affects our physical and mental well being. It affects our jobs and our relationships. 

Over the last few months I have been suffering with red itchy blotches on my face. Although I have had this problem intermittently for a long time, it always went away. This time it didn't. 

I decided I couldn't stand it any longer so I went to the dermatologist. Turns out I have two types of dermatitis on my face.

When she said it could be caused by stress I just went hmmmmm!!

After I got home I sat down and thought about all of the stressful things in my life. There was quite a long list and so I decided to start making some small changes. 

I know I can't do anything about a lot of the stressors out there, but I do know I can manage the small things and learn to change how I react to the large things. 

For now, when I start to feel stressed I just loudly say