cff LIFE IS LIKE A RIVER | Simple and Serene Living


Monday, April 6, 2015

Yesterday was spent enjoying the warm sunshine along the Red River in the Kentucky mountains. The recent heavy rains caused the river to overflow its banks in many places creating what looked like acres of new lakes in some places and bringing down trees and rocks in others. 

Life is like a river. As we move through it we watch it spread out around us, twist and turn, bring things crashing down at times, and roar and splash as it makes its way around hurdles in search of a serene and smooth path.

Just like a river we may find that our lives take a different path than what we originally planned, and just as a river does we must create our own paths.

Because the path that is truly ours will lead us to a simple and serene life.

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P.S. Check out more Inspiration on a Monday

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  1. Our own path is certainly better than always worrying about other people and their approval. Hope you have a great week, Laura. Love that last photo!

  2. Thank you for these inspiring words!

  3. That is so true, Laura. Life is like a river in so many ways....I don't like the "riled up water" times, though---but know they are part of life, too. xo Diana

  4. Very beautiful post. We never know what the future will bring so we need to always be ready to choose another path and make our own way! Enjoy your week my friend! Hugs, Diane

  5. Life is so much like a river, twists and turns. I could pass on the "riled up: water times for more calm and peaceful ones. Very inspiring post, thanks.

  6. Inspiring words for a Monday - thank you!

  7. That's a very good analogy. I hope you were spared from all of the terrible flooding that was shown on the news there.

  8. Very true! My life resembles many rivers right kids take me down one path, my blog/ writing career is taking me down another and then there is my husband and his upcoming job change that will mean big changes for us all. Maybe I should stop fighting the currents and enjoy the ride!! ;)

  9. I have to follow the path where it leads and then strike out on a new one you create.


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