cff I NEED TO BORROW SOME WATER WINGS | Simple and Serene Living


Friday, April 3, 2015

Rain rain go away
Come again another day
Little Laura wants to play
Rain rain go away


I am happy it isn't snow, but when I was startled out of a sound sleep at 4:30 this morning with a National Weather Emergency alert I wasn't happy. My first thought was that we were having a tornado and I was ready to head for cover, but then they said it was a flood warning. Really!!! Do I look like I am out driving in the middle of the night. SIGH!!! 

It was then I heard a steady plunk, plunk, plunk that sounded suspiciously like it was in my bedroom. Feeling quite certain that I was mistaken I rolled over and tried to get back to sleep. That was when I heard something hit my blinds. With one eye open I turned on a light and saw that the frame above the window was leaking and plaster was falling off. That was the end of sleeping. SIGH!!!

I'm thinking I might need that row boat I featured in my last post here, as it rained 5" overnight and is supposed to rain the rest of the day. Or maybe I could dig out those thirty year old water wings my children used to wear. Surely they would keep me afloat. 

Seems like a good day for making mud pies and building dams in the gutter. Did anyone else do that when they were kids. We didn't need a lot of fancy toys back then. Nature provided us with plenty of resources for creative play.

Maybe I need a nap before I think about heading out. Then I can look around for some water wings, a snorkel, and oxygen tanks. (I'll need the oxygen after digging around in the garage).

Hope everyone has a wonderful Good Friday. Stay dry wherever you are. 

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  1. when we get that kind of rain here, i don my rain coat and pants, put on my rubber boots and head out to divert water flow from the barn to the pond. and across the yard to the pond. and from the front pasture to the pond. but i feel like a little kid playing in puddles. :)

  2. Oh no, hope it stops soon so you can get your repairs done asap!
    Sitting here and it's getting darker and darker by the hour! Rain Rain Go Away!
    Try and have a good weekend!

    1. Hope you don't get as much rain as we have, Nancy. Enjoy your day.

  3. Wow, that's West Coast kind of rain...I'd say stay dry but I guess that ship has sailed.
    That's a bad version of April showers, well into every life a little rain must fall.

    OK, enough with the bad puns. I am sorry that your window is leaking, I've had that driving rain kind of stuff and it's not pleasant.


    1. Since April showers bring May flowers, I guess that means we will have a lot this year. That works for me. Thanks goodness this is a rental so I am not responsible for repair costs :)

  4. We had ponds form (no joke) in the side yard and back pasture. Crazy rain here in central KY. Stay dry!

    1. It has been crazy, Michelle. I just watched the rain run like a river down my street. Hope your house stayed nice and dry.

  5. We've had rain here, too. Then sunshine, then rain again. The sun is out now and I think the weekend is supposed to be nice. Hope it is for you, too!

    1. The sun is finally back out here this morning, Cheryl but it did bring cooler temps for the day. TOmorrow it will start to warm back up again.

  6. My plants are looking good and now it might freeze tonight...

    1. I hope your plants didn't freeze, Brenda. It went down to 36 here last night. Too cold for April.

  7. We have a whole week of rain coming up next week (although a great sunny Easter...yay). I like rainy days, it makes me focus on getting things done indoors!

    Jane xxx

    1. I think we have a chance of thunderstorms all next week, too Jane. I like the occasional rainy day, but I love the sun.

  8. As long as it doesn't freeze... But I would prefer snow to rain any day.

    1. I was just sitting here thinking how much I used to love the snow, but I guess that love waned at some point for me :)

  9. Oh no I hope the house is fixable :( My brother was driving through it on his way to Florida and said it was horrendous.

  10. Wow Laura that sounds like some serious rain fall. Stay dry and enjoy Easter.

  11. So sorry about the leak/damage. No worse way to wake up! Georgia has not had a lot of rain but we did have a freak ice/sleet storm a few weeks back and we were w/o power for 50 hours.


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