cff THE BENEFITS OF WILDFLOWERS | Simple and Serene Living


Saturday, February 21, 2015

As I sit here today listening to the steady sound of freezing rain hitting against my windows, my mind wanders to the warm days of spring and to gardening. 

Coming from a long line of florists, my extended family owns the oldest florist and greenhouse here in Lexington, I have always been taught the value of wildflowers. 

My mom says that during the depression her family would go out into the country and pick wildflowers to supplement the flowers they grew and sold. 

gardening perennial flowers greenhouse

At one time all flowers were wild. and although we have cultivated them so that we can grow and sell them in areas where they do not naturally grow, it is important to maintain them in the wild. To maintain the natural habitats. 

Yes, we enjoy the beauty of wildflowers, but just what is it that they do so freely for our planet? An article from Mother Earth News which can be read here lists some of the things wildflowers do.

• Attracting and sustaining beneficial wildlife (the pollinators and other creatures essential to keeping the plant and animal kingdom – and us – going)
• Creating extensive recycling, composting, land repurposing and self-regulating water filtration systems
• Mastering extreme weather survival
• Developing a continent-wide erosion control program
• Nurturing the expansion of a wide range of living organisms
• Doing all of this practical work while giving us the great gift of their beauty

Due to the increasing loss of our natural wildlife habitats, we have steadily been losing our honey bee colonies, monarch butterfly populations, and many of our native birds. 

All of these losses have a direct impact on the pollination of our food crops. These losses are a direct result of humans taking over natural habitats through urbanization and through the use of pesticides. 

So what can we do to bring back these dwindling populations of wildlife? 

It is simple. Plant wildflowers. You don't have to have a large yard to plant wildflowers, they can be planted anywhere, and if you do have a yard, instead of giving your entire space to manicured grass, devote a portion of it to native wildflowers. 

The environment will thank you and you will reap the rewards of a beautiful outdoor space.

It is all about sustainability while enjoying a simple and serene life.


  1. i try to let ours go to seed, even trying to convince the hay guy to put off baling until the wildflowers have gone to seed. :)

  2. In the fall I scatter wildflower seeds at the edge of my woods to see what blooms - they are so sweet and I love to use seeds native to the state :-)

    1. That is such a good idea, Vicki. Such a nice surprise in the spring and summer and don't you love the birds and butterflies it brings.

  3. we'll be planting in the spring. :) great post!

  4. Beautiful post, Laura.
    I love wildflowers. When I got married, I told the florist that all I wanted was a bouquet of wildflowers. He did his best with florist flowers. I have just the place to spread seeds...
    Thank you for your visits and support while Mr D was so ill.

    1. There really isn't anything prettier than wildflowers in my mind. Glad Mr. D is doing better.

  5. A lovely post. Wildflowers are dwindling in Norway too, some are gone forever just over the past 30 - 40 years. As l grow older l have developed a longing for a field of wildflowers rather than a perfect lawn. I havn't got there yet, but your post sure inspired. (My lawn is faaar from perfect, so it would be no great loss ;) ). Dreaming of Summer mornings these days, as snow filles the air and a sour wind howls round the house. Only a week until March! Pam xx

  6. March is supposed to come in like a lion here, Pam so I hope that means it will go out like a lamb. I hate that so many of the wildflowers are disappearing. A field of wildflowers for a front lawn would be wonderful. That is something I could sit and look at all day. :)


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