cff life is real | Simple and Serene Living

life is real

Saturday, August 16, 2014

There is nothing like spending a week with children to make you see what life is really about. You fall down and skin your knee, you cry for a few minutes, a bandaid is put on (preferably one with a cartoon character) accompanied by a kiss, and you get on with life. You enjoy the moment. Walking and swimming aren't seen as exercise. They are seen as times of exploration and fun. 

You are constantly learning and embracing new ideas. You ask intriguing questions and when answers are given you often come up with better answers of your own. Life is new. Life is fresh. You cry. You play. You move on to the next exciting moment. Life is real.

Life is not really about seeing a beautiful home on the internet and wishing it was yours. It is not about comparing yourself to others. Yes, we all like to see pretty homes, but the reality is that people just like us live in those homes. They may have more stuff, they may live in a bigger space, they may take more exotic vacations, they may have bigger paychecks, but the reality is they are real people, and my guess is that their homes aren't perfect. They have children who make messes. They have marital problems. They have illnesses. No one can really shut their eyes to the realities of life, because life is real.

While putting on a bandaid won't solve all of life problems, the loving of yourself when you apply the bandaid is a perfect start. Tapping into the wonder of who you are can help to bring peace into your life. Life is real.

Sometimes I just feel the need to go outside and stand on the earth in my bare feet. It helps to bring back memories of childhood. It grounds me. As I stand there I picture my worries going back into the earth. I look around and know that

Life Is Real

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  1. Children do show us what is real in life. Glad you got to spend some time with your Grands. Life is not perfect, but onward we march and make the most of what God has given us!

  2. Laura, What cute kids. We sure do love them, don't we?? Once I met a man who ask me , "Does it bother you that I am rich?" I said, "No, does it bother you that I am poor.?" I told him the only difference between us was ...that when we go through the pearly gates, he'll have a lock box outside and I won't. LOL. Because we aren't taking any of these earthly positions with us. I love luxury, but I certainly know how to live with out it. Now I love electricity lots.LOL. I am not that much of a pioneer. , no way. Life can be the best and we do not have to own everything out there. Life is pretty much what we make it. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

    1. Thank you, Susie. We do love them. Thanks for sharing your story. Life is what we make of it and things don't make us happy.

  3. True in every word! It's true about spending time with children makes you see things a little differently. They live in the present and it's a good reminder of how to live our own lives. I can relate to feeling "childlike" when going outside in bare feet too. I feel much freer!

    1. We do need to remember to live in the present moment. Bare feet in the grass is so freeing :)

  4. Lovely words and true. Blessings, Pam xx

  5. Children are our best reminders... but, this one is pretty good, too, Laura!! Thank you. blessings ~ tanna

  6. I love this post! Just beautiful!! Everything you said is spot on. I am glad you had a wonderful vacation with those adorable grandchildren. Something you said really struck a chord with me ~ I always keep bandages with cartoon characters on them for the very reason that it helps boo boos get better faster because it keeps the kid in us alive. Good to have you back home Laura.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

    1. Thank you, Susan. I admit that I like those cartoon character bandages, too. Hugs.

  7. Life is so real...and sometimes we do spend too much time trying to live in a alternative reality, maybe because we think it's better, easier, more appealing.

    It's always good to be brought back to reality again.


    1. Living in an alternate reality is an escape that can only last for so long. Real life is definitely the best in the long run :)

  8. Laura I did enjoy this but you have a drop down ad on the top and a pop up ad on the side making it hard to read / very different here now :)

    1. I'm sorry that you are having a difficult time reading, Deb. Unfortunately in order for me to continue to devote time to my blog I have to have the revenue that it generates. I am a single self supporting woman. I hope that you will continue to be a reader. :)

  9. Beautifully written Laura !
    Happy to hear you spent a luxurious week with the grands :)

  10. "Life is Real" love that and your photos show the love and happiness that family brings. HUG B

  11. Laura,
    Your grands are just adorable. So happy you had such a great week with them. Ohhhh the memories you have created with them. Too sweet.

  12. toes in the grass and giggling.....does not get any better!

  13. such beautiful photos, I agree, sometimes we need to connect with the earth beneath us,

    1. When I connect with the earth, I feel like I am sending all of the bad things in my body back down into it.

  14. Another great post, sweet Laura! Love all the pics of your beautiful grandchildren. Have a wonderful week.

  15. Nice to see that you have such a great relationship with your grands.

  16. Hi Laura! I have missed your posts! This one is so spot on! I couldn't agree more!
    ~~~I'm Carolyn from the old blog Simple Southern Cottage. I can no longer access my old blogs and Blogger will not help me whatsoever. And it's all because of issues between Google/Blogger and Yahoo. I finally just gave up and started a new blog. I am in the process of moving old posts to my new one. I hope you will visit me .

  17. Laura, you are so right and this was so beautifully written. I saw a post of some friends on FB who were sharing their anniversary with smiles when I know their marriage is in shambles. Maybe pretending for just a moment made them feel better. Life is tough but like children with skint knees we dust ourselves off and dash off to enjoy life again. Thanks for sharing so beautifully.


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