cff bits and pieces | Simple and Serene Living

bits and pieces

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Life is all about bits and pieces. All the little moments that add up to living. Most days are made up of little things. We string them together and call them life. Every once in a while something momentous happens, but on the whole it's the day to day little things that keep us going.

A simple meal made from fresh summer ingredients.

Stopping to enjoy a simple flower here,

and a simple flower there.

Following a path on a foggy morning, just to see where it takes you.

Wanting so badly to open that gate and walk through,

so that you can walk through fields of wildflowers.

Yes, it's the bits and pieces of everyday living that give us a simple and serene life.

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  1. Indeed it is, Laura. Indeed it is. That plate of deliciousness looks YUMMY! Have a great weekend. blessings ~ tanna

  2. Replies
    1. Isn't it gorgeous. We have a lot of stacked stone walls here. Many dating back to the 1800s.

  3. ooops, its said error, I'll try again, I said thank you for the lovely walk!!!

  4. This all makes up the contents of a lovely day, Laura.
    I would have loved your walk too!

  5. So true, Laura. Bits and pieces make for a great and grateful life. Susan

  6. Oh, my! That salad looks wonderful! I agree on your philosophy! :)


    1. Actually it was pasta, but it does look like a salad, doesn't it. It was delicious :)

  7. Just love my zinna's this time of year. Bring in a bouquet everyday I am off. Have a wonderful Sunday.

    1. Hvve a wonderful Sunday too, my friend. Wish I had a garden full of zinnias.

  8. Great message Laura. Sometimes it is good to just enjoy the simple little pieces that life brings.

  9. Those are some pretty images for a Sunday morning. Most of our life is about the day to day stuff not the big stuff. So it's good to be reminded of seeing the beauty in the little things too.


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