cff CHANGING EATING HABITS | Simple and Serene Living


Friday, January 10, 2014

It will come as a shock to absolutely no one that I am not perfect. In fact, I am feeling so far from perfect at the moment that I am having to get out my binoculars to see if I can even find the road to perfection. 

road through fall trees

You may be asking yourself, "What's up with Laura?".

Well, what is up is my weight, and hiding it under a bunch of layers just isn't working for me. I'd like to blame the holidays for my complete lack of eating judgment, but let's just say I know better. 

So today I took a good look at myself, metaphorically speaking. I am avoiding that actual gut-wrenching look in the mirror. 

I am actually well aware of the fact that the half-eaten bag of Baked Cheese Crunchies sitting beside my chair is not a good idea. 

Trader Joes crunchies

Yes, they are gluten-free. Yes, they have less fat. Yes, they are delicious and addictive, but no, I don't see on the back of the package that they have zero calories. 

So, I am going to spend some of this extra time (there must be some extra time in my day somewhere) to get back to my healthy eating plan.

I'm going to put away the junk food and get out my healthy cookbooks.

Moosewood cookbook

I know that spring will arrive and I won't be able to hide under the layers. I want to be prepared, not only to look better, but to feel better, because the bottom line is that it isn't actually what the scale says, but about being healthier. 


I think today I will search online for some healthy meals to prepare. I may even drag out the crockpot this week because by dinner time I am usually too tired to cook a full healthy meal. That way I can start earlier in the day and then just dish it up. 

Shop Crockpots 

So, what's on your plate today? Do you have some healthy meals that you like to prepare? 

Read more posts on healthy living

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  1. I surely need to make a start, I was thinking pretty much the same thing yesterday as you are, time to make a change, best wishes on this healthy start, oh by the way, I LOVE that cookbook!

  2. I think we've all been there. Winter time is a sedentary time and it's easy to eat foods that aren't good for us out of boredom. Combine that with not getting outside enough and exercising and it's a bad mix. I try to eat a balanced healthy dinner every night and I don't skip breakfast. Lunch is optional some days. If I eat a late breakfast and an early dinner then lunch isn't even needed. Dinner for us usually consists of a meat and vegetables. It's pretty easy. Cereal and coffee are my standard breakfasts. It's great that you're taking steps to improve your health so early in the year!

  3. It's not easy to eat 'light' in the winter months. We all crave soups and heavy meals. But it's fun to get out the cookbooks and try something new, too. I made a broccoli and cheddar cheese quiche yesterday and the recipe uses buttermilk instead of cream. You would never's yummy! (I'll post it soon) Enjoy your day!

  4. I need to lose a few pounds myself. Never easy.

  5. laughing at the cheese crunchies. we're all there at some time or another. :)

  6. We are really are hard on ourselves during the winter because there is so little to do to keep us active. I know exactly where you are coming from as far as the layer thing! I am not a poster child of healthiness, but I do know better. I keep the junk out of the house...I buy snacks for the others that I just don't care for so I know I won't get into them. I cook simple food from scratch and yes, starting your meals early in the day helps, even just cutting up the veggies or doing a few of the steps. I'm trying to work big time on portion seems that I overeat at meals for fear I will want to snack later. I guess it's all about breaking bad habits and making new, better ones. Good luck to me and you!!


  7. I'm right there with you needing to get rid of the added fluff. Good luck, girl (and to me, too)! blessings ~ tanna

  8. That is my plan for the year, too, Laura. To get back to a healthier way of eating and living. I am off the junk food and the biggie for me is sugar. Sugar is just poison to me. We can do this, Laura. xo Diana

  9. We're all in this together, darling!
    I've got 40 plus to lose.
    Let's meet for virtual tea in April... and celebrate our healthier choices!
    Back to the gym for me tomorrow!

  10. Good for you, Laura! I need to get back on the healthy eating bandwagon, too. I'm cooking vegan black bean chili in the crock pot tomorrow (my health conscious cousin the herbalist is coming to visit). At least it is a start. Once some of the ice melts, I hope to get out and walk again. I really miss my daily walks.

  11. Oh I am so struggling too! Ughhh. I feel so fat! I started a gym membership. Hope I can stick with it. I am 30 pounds heavier than I was 2 years ago and I'm a diabetic with hypertension and thyroid. The thyroid condition makes it harder but is no excuse. Honey, I feel your pain, Gotta get on the band wagon with you and get healthy!


  12. Keep on trying and I know that you will attain your goal. My problem with healthy eating is that I don't like vegetables. LOL!!

  13. I need to change my eating habits so badly, but right now I can't seem to commit to a plan. Hopefully soon! Good luck to you and maybe you will inspire me!

  14. I've started changing my everyday eating habits. No eating after 7 and I will now cut back on bread! And I'm adding more fruits and veggies to my diet. :)

  15. Good for you Laura. I'm doing the "Janathon" which means I'm doing some form of exercise every day and then blogging about it. Feel free to join in - even walking counts. In fact, go check out my friend Liz's blog - she's doing her own CANDO program and is having fab results.

  16. That is also my plan for the year, too, Laura!

  17. I'm also on the same journey as you to eat healthy this year. It's for the opposite reason, though, but being too thin isn't healthy either and creates problems as well. I've been good so far, but I know it's difficult to keep resolutions... Good luck to you: we should encourage each others!

  18. I like the feeling of starting fresh, and eating better that seems to abound at this time of year. Good for you, can you pass the cheese crunchies please? I finally got/weaned my self off of potato chips by switching to pretzels...I know, only slightly better, but still it's small steps...more veggies with dinner, less snacking on bad stuff.


  19. Laura, I have always made even my "indulgences" as healthy as possible - no more butter and sugar than the thing needs - but being a food blogger can cause the waistline to expand! When I feel the need to "watch it," I make my Chicken Tikka Masala or my high protein Broccoli Salad for dinner. Several of my soups make a good "sensible" meal. If I have a big bowl of, say, the broccoli salad in the fridge when one of those snacking urges hits, I can just have a small dish of that instead of reaching for the chip bag. I hope you and I - and all the others with the same issue - will succeed at a healthier diet this year!


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